St. Patrick's Day Parades

St. Patrick's Day Parades

PDC14 invites all members and their families to celebrate St. Patrick's Day in style as they participate in the Downtown and South Side parades this weekend.

Downtown Parade
When: Saturday, March 15th
Time: 10:00 AM
Where: Line up on Balboa
12:00 PM step off

Contacts for the Downtown Parade:
Ken Kazaitis - (312) 925-8580
Helen Chung - (312) 415-0048
DC14 (312) 421-0046

More parade info can be found at

South Side Parade
When: Sunday, March 16th
Time: 10:00 AM
Where: Western Ave. North of 101st St.
12:00 PM step off

More parade info can be found at

Contacts for the Southside Parade:
Mike Uylaki - (312) 420-4140
Joe Cordero - (312) 608-8040
DC14 (312) 421-0046

Following the Southside Parade, apps and refreshments will be available at 115 Bourbon Street.


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