Painters DC14 Continue to Work Alongside Rebuilding Together® Metro Chicago

Painters District Council 14 is proud to once again partner with Rebuilding Together® Metro Chicago. We have expanded our annual rebuilding day volunteer event to encompass 100 days of donated skilled labor for one hundred Chicago Heights and South-Side Chicago homes in need!

25 years ago, John Spiros, Jr. and Rebuilding Together® Metro Chicago committed to a partnership of assisting Chicago’s residents, whether long-time homeowners interested in preserving their investment, or new ones trying to make their homes safe and livable. Those efforts continue today as the DC14 Apprenticeship Program donates equipment and members of DC14 selflessly turn out on the weekends to donate their skill where they are needed most, despite the challenges still facing us with COVID. Measures are being taken to ensure necessary safety protocols are being met.

Rebuilding Together started in 1973 as a small group of people in Midland, Texas realized their neighbors’ homes had fallen into disrepair and they could not afford to fix them. They volunteered their time and skills to rehabilitate the residences. Seeing the beneficial impact of their work as an ongoing mission they officially formed a group called Christmas in April, with the intent of performing similar repair and rehabilitation work in their community every April.

News of their charitable work spread slowly, but eventually achieved national recognition. As it gained momentum, the mission expanded beyond providing annual service in April to bringing together partners and teams of volunteers to help improve neighborhoods throughout the year. More residents could now enjoy lives of warmth, safety and independence. They eventually opened the national office in 1988 and became Rebuilding Together.

Today, Rebuilding Together has grown into a premier nonprofit community revitalization organization.
With corporate and community partners like DC14 and its’ members they repair homes, restore communities and revitalize lives. By focusing on specific neighborhoods each year, and collaborating with other community revitalization initiatives, Rebuilding Together Metro Chicago has been able to maximize and sustain its positive impact on the lives of local community residents. Their local affiliates and nearly 100,000 volunteers complete about 10,000 rebuild projects nationwide each year.


Rebuild Together Metro Chicago


C.O.R.E Department


Helen Chung
Community Organizer

Painters District Council 14
1456 W Adams St  |  Chicago  |  IL  |  60607
(312) 421-0046
Cell: (312) 415-0048